$119 clone of the Mutable Instruments Stages is out now, as you can see it… Read the postBehringer Steps – MI Stages clone released
Yep – more Behringer news. Recently announced sale prices on many hardware synths has been… Read the postBehringer has announced sales on a lot of hardware
Behringer has released the latest in its producer series SPICEThis is so new there aren’t… Read the postBehringer release Spice – Polyrhythmic Inspiration Machine
Behringer has been at it again and released a Eurorack filter module called Surges. Based… Read the postBehringer releases Surges
The latest version of the JT-4000 has been released and the main difference is MIDI.… Read the postBehringer JT-4000M
Behringer has released a new model in its Performance Series called the Grind. Unashamedly digital… Read the postBehringer release the digital Grind!
Behringer have released the RS-9 Rhythmn Sequencer. Seems a great addition for you Eurorack lovers… Read the postBehringer release the RS-9