Espen Kraft – the great synthesizer scam video

This video has really stirred up the debate of hardware v software hasn’t it?. If you haven’t watched it it is below. I think both can coexist but there are still a lot of people who expect something for nothing and others who seem to think that synths are made in multiple thousands which is simply not true…

Synth scam!

I personally think there are still nice examples of both hardware and software out there but this video doesn’t seem to touch on what I think is also happening, and that is as music becomes less and less profitable for many artists due to things like AI and streaming services, then less expensive hardware is bought. I posted about how a lot of gear is on sale as I am hearing that sales are really poor for music gear right now as disposable incomes are squashed worldwide.
Someone I know has just dropped £819 on a Behringer UBX-a as for that price you are getting a poly aftertouch keyboard and 16-voices. It might not be for everybody, but you can’t fault the price. List price is still £999 so this new price is over a 20% drop!

I’d welcome peoples thought on this, let’s see what they think!

moog muse
moog muse
3dcadmin Written by:

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